In the ancient world, I sometimes worked as a DJ. I still love to produce immersive, long-form, seamless mixes with cool transitions, but these days it’s usually just for fun and the occasional live stream. Some of these are artist- or album-specific projects; some of these are straight-up dance mixes; and some of these are part of a series I call SOMNOPOLIS. Featuring mainly electronic, occasionally symphonic, and otherwise atmospheric music best suited for headphones in a dark room or driving through the middle of the night, the name comes from the dark deco world of Dean Motter's MISTER X, the amnesiac innovator of psychetecture and doomed architect of Somnopolis, the city of sleepwalkers.

You can find the download links and tracklists for each mix below (but naturally it’s more fun to just listen without knowing what’s coming or how it’s segued in and out of something else).